Y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau/
Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee
ELGC(5)-04-17 Papur 6/ Paper 6

Robert Goodwill MP
 Minister for State for Immigration
 Home Office
 2 Marsham Street

25 January 2017

Dear Robert,

Inquiry into refugees and asylum seekers in Wales

Further to my letter of 12 January about the above inquiry, the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee has now received written evidence from Clearsprings Group about asylum accommodation and oral evidence from the Welsh Government on a range of matters. The Committee would appreciate clarification of the Home Office’s perspective on two issues.

First, the Clearsprings Group Managing Director has indicated (in a letter dated 18 January, available at http://senedd.assembly.wales/documents/s58362/Clearsprings%20Ready%20Homes%20Ltd%20to%20Chair%20-%2018%20January%202017.pdf) that local authorities “have full control over the properties that are used to house Asylum Seekers in regards to licensing regulations”. I would be grateful if you could confirm whether the Home Office provides financial support to local authorities to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities.

Second, the Welsh Government told the Committee (on 19 January; the meeting details are available at: http://senedd.assembly.wales/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=447&MId=3843&Ver=4) that 27 unaccompanied asylum seeking children were being accommodated in Wales. The Committee was surprised that the number was so low. I would be grateful if you could provide details of the methodology for the decisions the Home Office makes on allocating such children to Wales, confirm whether there are any barriers from your perspective to increasing the number of such children coming to Wales.

I would be grateful if you could respond by Thursday 2 February.

Yours sincerely,


Yours sincerely,

John Griffiths AM